Deciding when to start taking Social Security benefits is one of the most crucial financial planning decisions you will make as you approach retirement. The timing of your claim can significantly impact your financial well-being throughout your retirement years. In this blog post, we will explore why it is essential to determine the right time to take Social Security and how we can help you in making a more informed decision. Why Timing Matters The age at which you begin claiming Social Security benefits affects the amount you receive monthly. Here are some key points to consider:
How We Can Help We use a powerful financial planning tool called RightCapital. This is a powerful financial planning tool that can help you navigate the complexities of Social Security claiming strategies. Here is how it works: RightCapital's Social Security Optimization module allows you to compare different claiming strategies and their impact on your retirement income. You can examine the income amounts and break-even points for various filing strategies, helping you make an informed decision3. Here we can see the software has computed the optimal strategy for this sample couple vs. their current desired ages for claiming social security (i.e., 62 years of age for both spouses), the difference in claiming strategy benefits is substantial at $951,513 over their expected lifetimes. Obviously, longevity figures into this strategy and many clients will question at what age is there a crossover or breakeven in benefits. In the case of this sample client, that breakeven is at age 77. If their family histories led them to believe they would not live to age 77, this client would obviously opt to take their benefits early. However, as a rule, most U.S. persons are living longer, and medical advances continue to extend the age the average American will survive too. A comparison graph allows us to look at all the options outlined by the software and to make certain judgements based on the varied scenarios as there is no one right answer for all clients. Finally, we can look at Social Security claiming if for example that the client had an aggressive reinvestment plan for such payments that made taking the benefits early. In this example, let us assume the client was involved in private equity and these funds would benefit from reinvestment at return rates greater than 10% per annum. In this case, the entire strategy is turned upside down and the couple then benefits from retiring earlier at age 67 for each (still not the early retirement they had initially desired). Conclusion
Determining the right time to take Social Security is a critical decision that can have a lasting impact on your retirement income. By understanding the factors that influence your benefits and using tools like RightCapital, we can help you make informed decisions that maximize your financial well-being. Whether you choose to claim early, at your FRA, or delay until age 70, we can provide the insights and guidance you need to make the best choice for your unique situation. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance with your financial planning and wealth management! 1Charles Schwab Guide on Taking Social Security 2 The Motley Fool on Social Security Benefits 3 RightCapital Social Security Optimization Tool
There is no better time to reexamine where you are financially than the new year! Along with the more common goals to lose weight, work out more and take up some new hobby, planning for your financial future (or at least reviewing that plan) should be on everyone's list of the goals or priorities for 2025. Strangely, it is not all that common for Americans to have such planning. According to the website Spendmnot, only 1 in 3 Americans have some kind of long-term financial plan. According to the same site, 70% of Americans say their financial planning needs work. Here at InTrust Advisors, we recently updated our financial planning software to RightCapital from another provider. The switch was quite frankly about lowering our annual software cost, but RightCapital has won us (and the clients that we have worked with it so far) over. It is simple to use and highly visual/intuitive. The software provides clients with a clean looking dashboard/snapshot outlining important KPIs related to their finances including:
All in a clear one-page snapshot or dashboard. Either with our help or in some cases on their own, you/we can then dig into each of these areas, make changes as appropriate for changing goals or circumstances, come up with action plans and more. Here is what those Snapshot looks like for a sample client: Once the software profile information is updated for asset values, expected income, savings, financial goals and expenses, it gives the user a clear understanding of the probability of achieving those goals seen above at the Probability of Success or below as the Retirement Analysis (Current Plan). In this sample case for a pre-retirement client, the current plan has a lower than acceptable probability of success than one would like at just 46%. However, we made a few changes to the plan and, just like that, the probability of success rose to a more acceptable level of 84%. The action items tab above pulls down and here is where those changes are made in real-time while sharing information back and forth between the client and the advisor. These changes are shown as the Proposed Plan below. In this sample case, the following changes were made to the base case:
The result was a clear plan and peace of mind for this client, and this is just a small subset of the capabilities of the software as we can dig deeper into such strategies as:
Maybe we can help you gain the same peace of mind that a clear plan brings? Click here to reach us and find out more Ready to get started with RightCapital now? It is free and easy to get started. Click the link below to get started. Sometimes blog posts come easily and sometimes they do not. Over the summer, I seem to struggle with things to write about plus market volatility tends to pick up, which keeps me busier managing money. Remember this when you are taking your vacation. Think of me as I am lugging my laptop wherever I go because Mr. (or Mrs.) Market never seems to take any time off. It's a good thing I love this stuff! First up in this special blog addition is a couple market updates. Let's start with equities and then move to fixed income (i.e., bonds). Here is the situation with equities: We have a rising trend. A recent stairstep down and elevator up correction may not be the end of the volatility though. Expect some volatility in the period leading up to the election maybe as early as September. Once the election is decided and the loser taken their shot at the fairness of the election, we should see favorable seasonality into the end of the year and possibly into early 2025. The trend is your friend until she isn't. So far so good! My guess is that 2025 is no picnic for whoever wins in November. We have weakening economic conditions and rising unemployment levels as big and small companies continue to shed jobs. On the flip side, we still have strong liquidity from past government programs, a Federal Reserve that looks ready to start easing interest rates and a recent history of magically being able to kick the can down the road. My guess is a mild bear market in 2025 with equities struggling and bonds doing better, especially on the short to intermediate side of the equation. In fact, in years where interest rates decline, this has been the time to own bonds historically as falling yields move inversely to rising bond prices. You may be saying, but Jeff, you said that about 2024. That is true, but this is not easy, and my crystal ball is about as good as yours. We generally try to work with what the market gives us. We have an opinion on the future (like above), but only move as the market confirms such opinions. You know, it is a process! This is the Federal Reserve Dot Plot or where they think the Fed Funds interest rate is heading. In case you cannot tell, follow the orange line and/or the blue dots. If rates do indeed head down, here is the potential returns for varying changes in rates and durations. Next Up, Let's move onto some good news for those affected by Hurricane Debbie. Your kind, much gentler IRS has granted you a series of filing and payment extensions. Of course, at the same time they are hiring more auditors to make your lives, I mean the lives of the rich, more miserable. Here is the skinny: Click to read more. Please consult your tax advisor for specific advice. Finally, a few financial lessons that I learned over time, but wish I would have put into practice a bit earlier. You know a few thoughts from my younger me.
Remember, financial planning is a lifelong journey. Start early, stay informed, and adapt as needed. I know I am preaching to the choir with most of you, but maybe someone you know could benefit from these ten financial lessons that I preach every day to my girls and Godchildren. Can we help you with your investments or planning? Or why not get a Free Second Opinion on your planning? Just contact us. I recently have been reading a book by Bob Carlson called Where’s My Money? The book is all about the exciting topic (sarcasm) of Social Security claiming and getting the most out of this important retirement benefit.
One of the topics of the book is the importance of checking your Social Security wage history. Bob Carlson makes the case that you should do so for two reasons:
Let us start with why your history is important. Your earnings history is a record of your progress toward your future Social Security benefits. The Social Security Administration (SSA) uses your highest thirty-five years of earnings to calculate your benefit amount when you sign up for benefits. If there are errors or omissions in your earnings record, you may not get credit for money you paid in payroll taxes, leading to lower future Social Security benefits. You can maximize your benefits by:
After reading this section of the book, I checked my wage history and even developed a spreadsheet to see my 35-year average wage history (very nerd-like indeed). From here, I factored in my expected wages over the next several years to see how they will impact this average wage history. I then logged into the Social Security website and on the home pages is a feature where you can see how future expected income through retirement affects your monthly social security payout. To be honest, my expected income did not really move the needle of either my benefit in the future or my average wage base. My wages have been pretty consistent. However, when I did this same exercise for my spouse, I found a different story. Because she was a stay-at-home mom for a number of years, her social security could be greatly influenced by a few changes to our plan. The most obvious is she is now working in a job paying her more than when she was a stay-at-home mom ($0 in wages). Just by working a few additional years raises her wage base and average wage for those 35 years. Strangely enough, my wife did not like that idea since we had previously agreed she will stop working early in a little over a year from now. In fact, it got quite chilly in the room when we discussed working longer! Another option is to earn more. However, this is easier said than done in many cases. I thought of a third option and that is, if you are self-employed, consider adding your spouse to the payroll so she can boost her Social Security wage record. In my case since I am not a fan of additional taxes, I considered paying my spouse my salary and taking no salary. It would boost her wage record and have minimal impact on mine. The problem is I work in a regulated industry, and I could see myself facing possible scrutiny over wages, work, and licensing (i.e., she is drawing wages and is not a licensed adviser). I ultimately decided to leave well enough and just hope my spouse finds some kind of part-time paying gig that might push her Social Security wage record up further before she reaches her full retirement age (FRA) at 67. Let me quickly demonstrate the math here. Let us suppose your social security record says that based on your current wage record you will receive a benefit of $1,982 at your FRA. However, by raising your wages or working longer before retiring, the SSA projects your benefit can increase to $2,039 per month at your FRA. You might say “who cares, that is just $57 more per month. That does not move the needle, Jeff. However, I want to point out that that $57 per month over an estimated 23 years (to age 90) at 8% (what the SSA pays you in extra benefits for delaying) totals to more than $44,957.67 in extra benefits over that hypothetical period. That in my opinion is real money and worth exploring! Let us know how we can help you.
I finally got around to putting out a new blog post, I must say I struggled to come up with just the right topic that would both interest me and our readers. I wanted to do a financial planning related post, but over the weekend I changed my mind. I was drawn to a video debate between Macro specialist Raoul Pal of Real Vision and Peter Schiff of Euro Pacific Asset Management.
This rather long video is posted, below. I thought the discussion was so important for investors over the next 6+ years that I would make it part of my discussion and forecast on what is coming in this very strange time in our country and economic future. In case you don't have 3 hours to spend watching this video, let me give you the highlights. The primary topic of this discussion was Bitcoin and its role in the current economic landscape. Let’s delve into some key points from their debate:
So now let me put in my 2 cents. First, I am in agreement with both Raoul Pal and Peter Schiff that politicians will continue to print currency and tax us as a way of kicking the can down the road on the United States rapidly growing debt problem and poor demographics. They will always do what is easy and gets them reelected. Printing, spending and then taxing us is the easy path vs. austerity measures to fix our debt to GDP imbalance. Second, I believe Bitcoin and Crypto are part of the solution, but not "the solution." Why? a) Bitcoin is correlated to the equity markets and is a very volatile asset type. Pushing all your chips into this pile will definitely cause you some sleepless nights. b) There is governmental risk here. Any day we could wake up and the government has either outlawed crypto or mandated a conversion to a newly issued Central Bank Digital Coin (or CBDC); and finally, c) I still believe diversification has value and crypto is not a very large, or liquid market. Third, I would make the case that 2030 is an important year in Raoul Pal's mind, even if he never explained why. Allow me to speculate, it is the year that the World Economic Forums (WEF) 2030 Agenda is supposed to be in place. This could mean a new economic system is in place by 2030 that changes/saves the developed world from a new universal problem with debt relative to GDP and poor demographics. In case you are not familiar with the WEF 2030 agenda, here are the highlights:
You can click on any of the links for more information. Here are my thoughts on this WEF 2030 Agenda. Basically, the WEF is composed a who's who of global leaders that think they know better than us or any individual government what is best for us and them. It is the "them" part that worries me the most. The above agenda sounds great in a vacuum, but the primary purpose of this agenda is the separate the elite from the serf (i.e., you and me) and make us subservient to the corporate elite. The result will be a highly advanced, AI based society where every move you make, financially or otherwise, is scrutinized. Every word or deed out of line with the thoughts of the elite will be penalized (i.e., social credit scoring). My belief is that by 2030 a CBDC or series of CBDCs will be rolled out globally. These CBDCs may not be universally utilized, as is now the case in China, but the infrastructure will be there. Given that the backbone of the CBDCs will be blockchain based all activity will be captured, stored and reviewed using AI. The only thing missing will be an event, a crisis pushing everyone into CBDC or the global system. This I believe is the change that Raoul Pal sees in our future but was unwilling to speculate on it as I have done. So why do I present this video, agenda and hypothesis to you? The answer is simple and that is so you can take advantage of what is available today to create wealth and provide yourself a greater runway to operate in a possible new financial system to come. Further as a Christian believer, it is a bit of a warning as the Christian Bible talks about such a time where there is both a one world currency and a one world leader. No one knows the timing on this stuff, but I can certainly see the seeds of what is potentially coming. So now how do you prosper in the next six plus years to come? Here is my take:
Where can we help? We can help you with all of the above as well as financial planning. Want to start a conversation, click here to contact us. |